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Michael Ihemaguba: What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

Michael Ihemaguba: What is a High-Risk Pregnancy?

Michael Ihemaguba is an experienced OB-GYN who runs a private practice in New York. Throughout his career, Michael Ihemaguba’s helped many patients deal with various conditions, including high-risk pregnancy.

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Normal pregnancy places a lot of emotional and physical stress on a woman’s body. However, there are instances where additional health problems cause the pregnancy to be considered high-risk, since these problems can adversely affect the woman’s ability to reach full term.

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For many women, regular prenatal care ensures that potential issues are dealt with before they cause problems, but some women are prone to complications because of some of the following risk factors:

  • Existing health conditions

The existence of conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or HIV-positive status can complicate a pregnancy.

  • Obesity

Being overweight can lead to pregnancy complications, including the increased risk of issues such as high blood pressure, stillbirth, preeclampsia, cesarean delivery and gestational diabetes. Obesity can also affect the infants’ heart health.

  • Maternal age

When the woman is in her teens or is past the age of thirty-five, pregnancy comes with its challenges. Conditions like high blood pressure and preeclampsia are common with such pregnancies.

  • Carrying more than one child

Women who carry more than one fetus have an increased risk of complications such as preterm birth and premature labor. A significant number of twins and triplets are born before the mother reaches full term.

Women likely to have high-risk pregnancies should visit specialists like Michael Ihemaguba to learn how to ensure they remain healthy throughout the pregnancy.