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Michael Ihemaguba: Do You Suffer from Diabetes?

Dr. Michael Ihemaguba has been practicing medicine for more than two decades. He began working as an OB/GYN in 1997, and has delivered countless babies. Michael Ihemaguba was even featured on television for delivering a live baby, in an emergency situation, via caesarian-section in under three minutes. He has performed tubal reconstruction surgeries and he is experienced with uterine repair.

Michael Ihemaguba helps women who are going through high risk pregnancies and cares about all of his patients. Diabetes is one of the causes of high risk pregnancy. If you suffer from diabetes, there are a few facts that you should know.
If you are diabetic and planning on becoming pregnant, you may consider talking to your doctor.

Diabetes is a disorder that affects a patient’s insulin production. As a result, the patient’s blood sugar may drop and elevate more than the average person’s. Fluctuations in blood sugar can affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant, and it can affect the health of the fetus once a woman become pregnant.


An OB/GYN who specializes in high risk pregnancies can help you learn how to properly manage your diabetes so that you can become pregnant and keep the fetus safe. If a woman has type one or type two diabetes before becoming pregnant, her goals should be to keep her blood glucose level in target range at all times. Dr. Michael Ihemaguba strives to help his diabetic patients experience a relatively normal pregnancy. Dr. Ihemaguba is a knowledgeable physician with years of experience in obstetrics and gynecology.