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Michael Ihemaguba: What You Should Know About High Risk Pregnancies



Michael Ihemaguba is a leading physician, who is located in New York. Michael Ihemaguba was born in Nigeria and moved to the United States to complete his higher education. Michael Ihemaguba is trained in family medicine as well as obstetrics and gynecology. He treats women and children, and has delivered countless babies. He is a knowledgeable physician, who helps his patients through high risk pregnancies.

There are several different factors that can cause a pregnancy to become high risk. Existing health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid disease can all put a pregnancy at risk. Women who suffer from one or more of these conditions are often given additional restrictions for the duration of their pregnancies.

Age can result in a high risk pregnancy as well. Pregnancy during teenage years can result in high blood pressure, anemia, and early labor. First time pregnancies over the age of thirty-five come with risks such as prolonged labor and infants with genetic defects.

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Women who are in good health can develop complications during pregnancy as well. Multiple gestation can lead to premature birth. Some women may develop gestational diabetes while they are pregnant. Others may suffer from preeclampsia or eclampsia.


There are many women who endure high risk pregnancies. A good doctor can assist these women and provide them with the information they need to help keep their babies healthy. Dr. Michael Ihemaguba is a dedicated and experienced physician who has delivered a large number of healthy babies.